Zapier Handwritten Notes

Using Zapier, it is easy to integrate
Handwrytten with thousands of apps.
Send handwritten cards as part of
your automated flow, easily!

Google Sheets


Integrate with thousands of high-quality applications.

Integration starts with finding your trigger app in the Zapier directory.  Simply search by name to filter over 1,000 apps down to what you use.  

Handwrytten makes it easy to automate workflows that send business correspondence. Using the web site, it just takes a few minutes to select a card, type a message and select a handwryting style. It all looks so natural, right down to the stamp.

Zapier User

Create simple mail merges.

Using Zapier, simply insert data records by clicking
the + in the upper right of the message field.
Any data provided by your trigger app can be inserted.

Test and Continue

Filter criteria for more customization.

Send handwritten thank you cards to customers who hit a certain value,  after their second purchase or to those that haven’t ordered in a while.  Send notes to Hubspot or Salesforce contacts who have recently become prospects. Thanks to our integration, it’s really that simple. Zapier works in the background to continually send the cards based on your criteria.

Integrate with Zapier

Still need help?
Send us a note.

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