How to Write a Holiday Message to Clients

Sending a holiday message or funny Christmas card is an excellent way to spread some cheer and goodwill to your business contacts and clients. Since both personal and business communications have increasingly taken on digital forms, nothing is perhaps more meaningful and personal than receiving a holiday card in the mail. Choosing what to say in your holiday or Christmas message to clients can be challenging. What type of message should you write? How do you project authenticity in your message? Our Handwrytten team is here to offer several ideas to help you create a memorable and personal holiday card.

How to Write Your Holiday Message to Clients

If you struggle over choosing the right words for how to wish clients happy holidays, try these tips to help you when you’re composing your message:

Keep the Greeting Short

When you’re writing a holiday message to a customer, keep your note short and simple. Hold your recipients’ attention long enough to let them know that you appreciate their support and want to extend your best wishes for the holidays. Holiday cards have a finite amount of space, so keep brevity in mind.

Make Your Message Generic But Personal

You may be wondering what to write inside a holiday card for clients that will seem genuine but not exclusionary. Unless you know that all of your clients celebrate the same form of the holidays, choose a general greeting such as “happy holidays” or “warmest wishes this holiday season.”

To make your holiday message personal, address each recipient by name within the card itself. This simple act of personalization shows your clients that you care enough about them to call them by name. This point is especially important for digital-based businesses where in-person contact doesn’t occur in day-to-day communications.

Avoid Sales Pitches in Your Holiday Message

While the holidays are a prime time for businesses to be thinking about their year-end sales efforts, your holiday message to clients shouldn’t seem like a sales pitch. Use the holiday message to reinforce your company values to your clients and communicate with them authentically.

Describe Any Community Support That You’re Doing

During the holiday season, businesses often encourage their staff to support nonprofit organizations through charitable work in the community. Making an effort to get involved in community charitable endeavors is something you can share with your clients in a holiday card. If you choose to share this information with clients, focus on the good work of the charitable organization more than your own efforts to avoid sounding as though you’re bragging.

Be Sensitive and Supportive

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, many of your clients are likely facing their own share of hardships. To avoid appearing insensitive or clueless to global and national events, be sure that you address the holiday season ahead in a way that’s sensitive and supportive. When writing a holiday message to a customer, acknowledge and thank them for their support. You don’t need to belabor the point about 2020 being a difficult year, but you still want to be sensitive about the situation.

holiday and christmas cards

Sample Greetings for a Holiday Message to Clients

Here are a few samples of what you could include in your holiday message to clients to communicate your good wishes and thanks for their business. Consider using a statement like these to add a personal touch to your holiday correspondence:

  • This year may be coming to an end, but our commitment to serving valued clients like you never stops. All of us at [company name] wish you all the best this holiday season.
  • Thank you for enabling us to serve you this year. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you in the new year. Happy holidays!
  • All of us at [company name] send you our warmest greetings and wishes for a happy, safe, and healthy holiday season.
  • Thank you for being an important part of our [company name] family. We appreciate your support, and we look forward to working with you again in the coming year.
  • As the year draws to a close, we celebrate this holiday season in the company of family and friends. May your holiday season be filled with peace and joy.
  • Sending you the warmest greetings and warmest wishes for this holiday season.

A Friendly Reminder: Start Working on Your Holiday Cards Early

If you want your holiday cards to be delivered before the end of the year, you should allow plenty of time for the holiday card production process. Since the months leading up to the holidays can always be a busy period for any business, consider enlisting the help of other members of your staff so that you’re not the only one handling all the responsibilities. The following tasks can help keep you and your team on track:

  • Organize your clients’ mailing addresses in a spreadsheet. Review the data to make sure all parts of the addresses are present and that names are spelled correctly.
  • Select your holiday card vendor and verify production time so that you can establish a print deadline. Place your holiday card order as soon as possible to avoid any production delays.
  • Plan to mail your holiday cards at least three weeks before the holiday. If you have international clients that you want to include in your mailing, be sure you mail your holiday cards immediately after you receive them.

Selecting a holiday card for your clients shouldn’t be an afterthought. Take time to study examples of card designs and styles that match your brand identity and convey the sentiment you want to communicate. When paired with a well-crafted holiday message, your holiday card will be something that stands out and shows your clients that you care about them.

Putting a personal touch to your holiday card message to clients can foster long-lasting relationships into the new year and beyond. While a printed card can seem generic, including a handwritten message in each of your holiday cards to clients will show your sincerity and can impress your recipients.

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