Personalize Your Real Estate Direct Mail Marketing

Direct mail marketing is a long-time successful strategy for reaching potential customers in various industries. In the real estate business specifically, handwritten notes for direct mail can be advantageous, and businesses that use it typically have success with acquiring more customers. Additionally, there are several ways in which businesses can make their direct mail materials more personal to their clients, especially handwritten letters and notes. Here’s everything you need to know about how personalizing your real estate direct mail marketing campaign with handwritten letters can be beneficial for your business.

What is Real Estate Direct Mail Marketing?

Direct mail marketing is a strategy that businesses use to send physical correspondence through the mail to target customers. Direct mail includes materials like postcards, letters, flyers, coupons, catalogs, and other materials that communicate a business’s mission, present its offerings, and engage its customers. Unlike traditional advertisements that create a mass message for a collective audience, you can use direct mail to personalize your communications with your customers, especially when you use handwritten messages – this is a core tenet of real estate marketing.

How Does It Work for Real Estate Direct Mail?

When used for real estate advertising, direct mail marketing aims to make potential homebuyers aware of real estate investors and agents, homes going on the market, and other real estate-related offerings. Real estate agents and brokers may send out seasonal alerts to let customers know what’s going on in the market, connect with customers who are thinking of buying or selling a home and create incentives for these customers to use their services and resources. For lead generation, this is fantastic.

Advantages of Using Handwritten Messages in Direct Mail Marketing

There are many advantages of using personalized and handwritten letters in your direct mail marketing campaigns. For one, it gives you the ability to reach out directly to individual buyers and sellers within your local market. Using direct mailings gives potential customers the information they need when they start the buying or selling process. Additionally, you can include short welcome messages with any printed marketing materials you use.

A handwritten note addressed directly to a potential home buyer or current property owners can also be more persuasive than just printed advertisements alone. This is because it’s tailored specifically for them and creates a sense of authenticity rather than being perceived directly as advertising. Try including a personal message informing your prospects of the past sales and purchases you’ve closed and how your services can help them.

Additionally, a handwritten note can make your business’s mailings stand out from the stereotypical mailed advertisements. A handwritten envelope in addition to a handwritten letter can help customers feel important and special. Writing a welcome or thank-you note by hand creates a sense of inclusivity, which encourages lasting customer relationships.

Another benefit of using handwritten messages in direct mail marketing is that you can write to customers first-hand and create awareness of your real estate services during peak seasons of the year. According to Smart Asset, the busiest season for real estate investors starts in March and peaks in summer, so if you’re taking advantage of advertising during these times, try something with a personal touch to introduce your business and welcome home buyers to the neighborhood.

Ways to Use Handwritten Notes in Your Mail Marketing

Direct mail using visuals and messages can certainly be engaging to customers, however, handwritten messages tailored to potential and current clients can enhance your communications with your market as a real estate investor. Here are several ways you can use personalized notes in your real estate mailings.

Use Handwritten Letters to Ask for Referrals

One thing you can do during various times of the year when you’re expanding your network is use handwritten notes to request referrals from past clients. Additionally, handwritten mailings are easy to create and are cost-effective. Personalizing your real estate mailers is important for creating a lasting relationship with your current and potential clients.

Send a Thank-You Note

A handwritten thank-you card is a fantastic way to not only show appreciation for a client’s business but also to reiterate the quality of your customer care. If you’re a real estate professional, try writing a short thank-you note to clients who you have worked with and including a gift card to help them get settled in their new homes. Gift cards to home improvement or home furnishing stores are ideal for most new homeowners. For sales, you can include a “best wishes” message along with your thanks – just ensure to include some first class stamps to get it there timely.


Stay in Touch With Clients

Send handwritten notes to current clients on birthdays and holidays where you can reiterate your thanks for their business. You can even include a small gift card here as well. For new clients and welcome messages, you may not know birthdays, but you can certainly send holiday greetings — especially as a way to say “welcome” and introduce your business.

Extend Your Market Reach

Handwritten messages are a wonderful and effective strategy for introducing your business, as real estate professionals, to a new community or neighborhood that has buying and selling potential. Include a letter of introduction to let community members know about your business. You can even use previous referrals, here, too.

Create Personalized Invitations to Events

If you’re hosting an open house for potential homebuyers, create awareness through a handwritten invitation. You can send out handwritten notes that let customers know the details of the event. For private open houses, you can send handwritten invitations with a request to RSVP. Once you receive RSVP responses, you can further connect with potential buyers by getting an idea of what they’re looking for in a home. Most people appreciate the notification of what events you have going on; even if they don’t, getting the word out is significantly more beneficial for growth in the real estate industry.

Follow Up After Client Meetings

After you first meet with new clients, it’s important to follow up with them after that initial meeting. You can use your handwritten notes to reiterate your services and thank customers for considering your business. Then, create a call to action using a handwritten letter as a follow-up that encourages future contact when customers are ready to buy or sell.

As real estate investors, using handwritten messages in your real estate mailings can have a lasting impact on how current and future customers perceive real estate firms. By being authentic and personalizing the customer correspondences in your campaigns, you can increase engagement and create familiarity and awareness with your business.

Learn how Handwrytten’s handwriting services can help you with your direct mail real estate campaigns. Not only can you save time by using Handwrytten, but you can also automate and reach wider audiences to help generate more leads.

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