Giving Thanks: 10 Ways to Say Thank You to Your Customers

Category: Thank Yous

‘Thank you’ is perhaps the most important word in the customer service lexicon. It’s a simple but powerful phrase that says, “I acknowledge your existence and appreciate what you’ve done for me.” But saying thank you isn’t always easy. It takes time, effort, and a little bit of creativity to come up with the perfect way to show your appreciation. In this article, we’ll share some tips for saying thank you to your customers in the most effective way possible.

Here are 10 ways to say ‘Thank You’ to your customers:


  • Send Handwritten Notes
  • Make a Charitable Donation in Customers’ Names
  • Send Free Samples With an Order 
  • Giving Thanks Both Online and Off
  • Call Your Customers
  • Plant a Tree
  • Offer Free Shipping, Returns, & Designer Consultations
  • Reward Customers for Their Loyalty With Extra Discounts
  • Send Personal Video Thank Yous
  • Host A Prize Draw


Send Handwritten Notes

One way to thank customers for trusting your business is by sending them physical, handwritten notes as a way of saying “thank you for your business.” It is the most intimate way to express gratitude to a consumer. Handwriting the letter and getting the company owner to sign it will further enhance the personalization. These kinds of thank-you notes also provide your customers with a sense of appreciation because they demonstrate that you took the time and effort to write them.

Physical notes also have the benefit of being kept by your consumers. If you put the letter on a lovely card, they might display it. As a result, they will remember your company frequently, which will result in repeat business.

Shaun Connell, Founder, Writing Tips Institute


Make a Charitable Donation in Customers’ Names

Make a charitable donation in customers’ names. Taking care of their causes is a thoughtful gesture. It’s a great idea for many reasons. First, it shows your customers you care about them and their community. Plus, it’s a great way to give back. Third, it shows your appreciation for your customers.

Here’s how to do it:
1. Choose a food bank or charity that is close to your business or that serves your customers’ community, letting them know you want to donate in their honor.
2. Make a list of your customers’ names and contact information.
3. Make a donation in each of your customers’ names.
4. Send a thank you note with a donation receipt to each of your customers.

Extra tip: when there is a problem, go the extra mile. Being available to your customers and going above and beyond to help them resolve a problem will go a long way in building loyalty.

Shakir M, Life Hype


Send Free Samples With an Order 

There’s nothing our customers like more than a free sample, so we love to toss a free sample in with their order with a handwritten note saying, “Thank you for your purchase. We hope you enjoy your free sample.”

As well as being a wonderful way to surprise and delight our customers, free samples offer them the opportunity to try something new from our product range. When giving out a free sample, we always check the customer’s purchase history to help us find something they’re sure to like.

Leanna Serras, Chief Customer Officer, FragranceX


Highlight Customers on Socials 

Sending a handwritten note to customers (in my case, past students) is such a tried-and-true method of expressing thanks. Think about it – can you think of a time when you received a personalized “thank you” card and did NOT feel truly appreciated? I can’t.

I also like to highlight customers on social media channels when possible (after gaining their permission, of course). Generally speaking, people love the special attention. Plus, it shows you’re mindful and considerate as a business owner. That goes a long way nowadays. Put people first, and your business will succeed.

Dan Meyer, Founder & Director, BACK&PACK

Call Your Customers

Customers appreciate small acts where businesses go out of their way and take the time to reach out to them. As a result, caring about your customers isn’t just an act of human decency, it’s also a business strategy. I do reach out to check in with customers via text, but I find that phone calls are more appreciated.

Every week, along with my list of prospects to follow up with, I’ll also have at least a few customers to reach out to. Of course, sometimes I’m looking to see if we can get another sale, but other times I just call to check in and say hello. In the latter situation, I’m asking about family, work, exciting things happening for them, etc. I try to remember key parts of their life to ask them about next time as well. I realize this isn’t always possible when there are a lot of customers, but for the few customers a business does it with, I believe it matters. Businesses and professionals need to care about the customers who spend their hard-earned money with them.

Eric Chow, Chief Consultant, Mashman Ventures


Plant a Tree

We partner with Ecologi to offset our carbon and to make my business, Articulate Marketing, a Climate Positive organization. Through a Zapier connection, we’ve made it so that if a lead fills in a form on our website, then we plant a tree on their behalf. Many of our clients came through as inbound leads on our website, so that’s a great way to start our relationship off with a good-feel gift. It creates a sense of solidarity as we work together as businesses to benefit the planet.

Matthew Stibbe, CEO, Articulate Marketing


Offer Free Shipping, Returns, & Designer Consultations

We center our entire business around our customers to thank them for considering our products for their homes. By offering free shipping, returns, and complimentary consultations from our team of designers, our business offers customers the optimal value upfront to demonstrate our appreciation for their business.

It is crucial to us that our customers buy our products because they unambiguously meet customers’ needs and expectations. Before even making a purchase, we offer our customers design consults and digital visual aids to ensure they only make purchases they will love.

We don’t try to pressure a sale. Our appreciation is built into our business model through customer-centered design elements, consultations, and free returns, all aiming to ease the customer experience as much as possible.

Justin Soleimani, Co-Founder, Tumble


Reward Customers for Their Loyalty With Extra Discounts

Send customers special discount codes that are better than any current promotions you’re running. This is a great way to thank customers for their business and to reward them with something that’s only available to them, rather than the general public. This coupon should be sent with a message that thanks them for supporting your business. You can include a statement from the founders to make it even more personal, especially if you’re a small business. Customers appreciate those little touches, and it makes your email more than just a discount offer, but also a thank you note.

Michael Nemeroff, CEO & Co-Founder, Rush Order Tees


Send Personal Video Thank Yous

A personalized video message is an excellent way to thank customers. A recording of oneself shows customers the genuine investment in their personal order. It takes time to record and personalize a video. Seeing the person who prepared the order actually thanking the buyer will make a huge difference.

Gigi Ji, Head of Brand and Business Development, KOKOLU


Host A Prize Draw

One way to give thanks to your customers is to give them the opportunity to get something back for investing in your business. A prize draw can be held with the winners taking home something that relates to your business in some way.

There are many ways to hold your draw and decide who is eligible for entry. One of the most popular is for an entry to be made automatically each time an order is placed. This way, the more orders you place, the greater your chance of winning something. 

The draw can be held at any time but probably the most effective method is to choose a date close to the holiday period as this should drive up sales prior to the holiday. The value of the prizes will depend on what the business can afford, but make it something worth winning to increase participation, and drive up your sales even further.

Colin Toh, CEO, Headphonesty

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