12 Unique Marketing Ideas for Insurance Agents

Too many marketers are lost when it comes to creating their strategy because they lack the right focus. However, when you put your customer first in all your marketing, you will always come out on top. Regardless of whether you’re sending invitations to an event or thank you notes, you need to add your personalized touch to your marketing strategy.

Don’t worry if you’re confused about where to start, because you’re in the right place.  When it comes to finding unique marketing ideas it can be overwhelming. However, we’ve rounded up our twelve top marketing ideas for insurance agents.

So, keep reading to learn how you can increase your marketing efforts and scale your business to the next level. And, while online marketing is important in this day and age, you’ll see in our list why you shouldn’t forget the personal handwritten touch as well.

1. Create an Optimized Website

Did you know that 74% of insurance consumers start their research online? Have you been wondering how to improve your online marketing?

Before you begin thinking about what to post on Instagram, take a look at your website through an objective lens. How user-friendly is it? Can potential clients find what they’re looking for quickly?

In order to optimize for the new updates in Google’s algorithm, you must focus on your client’s page experience. Do this by assessing how quickly it loads on all devices as well as how easily visitors can navigate around.

2. Create SEO Focused Content

When many people hear that they need to create search engine optimized content they immediately envision sifting through expensive software to find keywords. However, today’s optimization focuses on answering the questions your clients are already asking.

To find the questions your audience wants to know the answers to, start by talking with them. Ask to get on a call with current or former clients. Ask them what their biggest concerns are when it comes to buying insurance or what their biggest fears are.

Then create content that addresses the specific topics your clients are wondering about. When you create valuable content that answers the questions your audience is asking the search engines, you will see an increase in warm traffic.

3. Embrace Video

Today’s marketers are embracing video. And in the insurance arena, video can be incredibly helpful to reach your audience. Again, when you create video content you want to focus on answering the pressing questions your clients want to know.

4. Build Your Brand Online

As you build visibility for your insurance business, you will need to focus on your brand. The first thing someone will do when they hear about you and your services will be to Google you. What will they find?

Take the time to create optimized social media profiles and your GMB listing which we’ll talk about in a later tip. Be sure your bio on your About Me page on your website is up to date. And include a recent, professional photo of yourself so visitors can relate to you.

People want to work with agents they can trust and having the information they need to assess that about you is imperative.

insurance agent writing in planner

5. Don’t Discount Direct Mail

When it comes to optimizing different communication channels for insurance agents, don’t forget about good old-fashioned direct mail campaigns. Who in your neighborhood recently moved in or is about to move out? Who can you send a welcome card or discount postcard to in the mail?

Look through your former clients and reach out to them with a nice greeting card to say hello and offer a discount if they come back. Don’t discount how far a personalized, handwritten note can go in this ever-increasing digital age.

6. Think Local for SEO

As mentioned earlier, you must have an optimized Google My Business profile. Think beyond the basic name, address, and phone number information. To truly rank your GMB profile you need to meticulously detail every section within your profile.

And you can create short posts regularly just as you do on all your social media platforms. Additionally, you can add images that will draw the attention of people searching for insurance agents near them so that your profile is the one that stands out to them. And of course, ask for reviews.

7. Ask for Reviews

People want to work with companies they trust, and the quickest way to build that trust is through the use of reviews and testimonials. So, take the time to reach out to your current and former clients and ask them to leave a quick review on your GMB profile.

You can’t compensate for this but you can ask, so don’t forget to mention it. And convey how important it is for your business.

8. Host an Event

Another great way to market your insurance business is to host an event. This can be either in person or online in the form of a webinar. Remember when you host this event it isn’t about you, it’s about your future clients, be sure to cover a topic your clients want to know about.

You can create a summer event that discusses the many different ways you can make their summer worry-free. Choose a topic such as water safety or road hazards. Then at the end, talk about buying insurance for their toys such as boats, ATVs, RVs, and more.

The options are endless so take the time to craft several fun events that everyone can look forward to and share with their friends.

9. Send Thank You Cards

After every event, don’t forget to take the time to send thank you cards to everyone who attended. How many events have you attended meaning to circle back once you had time to research it more? Did you ever do it?

More than likely, the answer is probably no you didn’t. But if you had received a handwritten thank you note three days later you might have been more likely to follow up. So, take the time to take this extra step that the majority of your competition isn’t likely to do so that you stand above the crowded field and stand out to potential clients.

10. Nurture Relationships With Clients

As you start to build your list of prospects and clients take the time to continue to nurture your relationship with them. This can be through notes, emails, direct mail newsletters, or even simple postcards.

Too many businesses owners don’t take the time to nurture relationships anymore. But in the insurance business relationships are key to your success.

11. Stay Top of Mind With Email

When it comes to communication for insurance agents it can be tricky knowing how often is enough. However, we contend that you must stay top of mind for your prospects. People are busier now than ever before and it’s too easy to push items such as insurance to the bottom of the list.

However, if you continue to stay in front of your prospects with helpful and valuable information in the form of an email newsletter you will be at the top of their mind when it comes time to purchase, upgrade, or transfer their insurance plans.

12. Don’t Neglect IRL

As we become more and more digital it can be tempting to forget to build personal relationships with your clients. However, when you add that personal touch you will stand out in a crowded field. So, look at your marketing plan with the idea of attending at least one in-person networking event either each month or each quarter so that you can build these crucial personal relationships that will grow your business to the next level.

Follow These Marketing Ideas for Insurance Agents Today

Marketing ideas for insurance agents don’t have to be difficult. As you can see there are several different avenues and marketing ideas for insurance agents. Pick one idea from this list and expand on it today.

Then as you grow your business, fold in several different layers one at a time. Over time you’ll start to see how each one compliments the other and allows you to scale your marketing efforts. And if you’re ready to add handwritten notes to your marketing toolbox, then click here to request your free sample kit today.

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