Here’s How Gratitude Can Benefit Your Business

Category: General Tips

The trick to keeping a dedicated customer is showing genuine appreciation and taking steps to improve the customer experience. An easy way to get started is by thanking customers for their purchase.

In any case, customers are more likely to support business‘s who show appreciation and are curious about customers’ wellbeing. As a business owner, you have to know how to approach the process of thanking customers. 

There are a lot of things you can do wrong to push customers away when reaching out, too. We’re going to look at how to thank a customer giving you insight into things you should do. We’ll also cover some things that you should avoid in your customer appreciation strategy.

Hopefully, the information below leads to lasting customers for your business. Let’s get started. 

Saying “Thank You” Makes Customers Happier Than You Think

The first thing to avoid is thanking a customer in an impersonal way. Many businesses send out appreciation emails and letters to former customers without really mentioning them in any meaningful way. 

Some businesses even send out unsolicited offers or messages without the customer‘s expressed interest. It’s important to note that a person doesn’t inherently have an interest in doing more business with you just because they stopped by once. Business thank you notes are a simple yet effective way to show your appreciation for your customers.

A single transaction isn’t a green light to solicit someone with a bunch of marketing material. So, when you reach back out, avoid doing so with an advertisement. It can help to think about your messaging as if you were sending it to a friend. 

handwritten note requesting a product review

Your Guide to Expressing Customer Gratitude

Remind Customers You Appreciate Their Support

There are some instances where reaching out to a customer without anything to offer is okay. For businesses that have personal connections with their clients, it would be appropriate to reach out and say “thank you for being with us for four years!” Happy birthday messages and general greetings like that are acceptable in those cases.

When you reach out and say, “Here’s a fifteen percent coupon for your lasting business. You deserve it!,” the person will likely engage with that message. When there isn’t a strong personal connection, messages that don’t offer value are just taking up space on the person‘s counter or in their email inbox. 

Depending on the nature of your business, you can thank the customer and offer them some additional information about the product they bought or the service they received from you. You might let them know when certain things tend to stop working, or when their next scheduled visit could be. 

Those are messages that offer some meaning, and they can be engaged with in a natural way.

Don’t Persist When There’s No Response

When someone doesn’t respond to a message, that doesn’t mean they didn’t appreciate it. Odds are that they appreciated the message and have made a note of it in their mind. When you reach out a second time, though, things start to shift a little bit. 

Even if the second email or letter is well-intentioned and interesting, the fact that you’re reaching out again gets you into some murky water. There’s a boundary between the customer and the business that needs to remain intact. Things can go wrong in two primary ways

One, they might think it’s needy or unusual that you’re communicating with them more than is normal. That could put a bad taste in their mouth and turn them away. 

Two, you’ll occupy a part of the “spam” category in their mind. Persistent emails typically send the message that there’s nothing of value in them. Letters sent on a regular basis say the same thing. 

Add a Personal Touch 

Instead of sending mass letters or emails, make sure to personalize your messages when thanking customers. When it’s clear that a business takes even a little time to personalize something, it means a little more to the customer

Maybe you include a personal anecdote that was discussed in the store. You could also give your best wishes about something that the person mentioned about themselves. “Good luck with that job interview,” or “Hope your softball team wins that game.”

It doesn’t have to be anything too personal, just something that signifies the fact that someone took the time to write the message. You can even have a stock message that you send to your customers that includes some room for you to add personal touches here and there.

People don’t think twice about messages that are mass-produced and void of any personal touch. Unless there’s some monetary value involved, those messages tend to get sent into the trash. 

Establish a Line of Communication

After creating a personalized message, try to touch things up with an invitation to give help if the customer needs it. Maybe they have a question about the massage you gave them, or are curious about how to work the new device they bought. 

Those are all things that could be figured out online if need be. When you give them the specific offer to help, though, they’ll keep you in mind if they ever need a question answered. 

When you receive a client phone call, you’ve made a personal connection for your business. After that point, the odds of them coming back for more business are very high. You establish trust when you make that personal connection, and that matters more than almost anything else.

People enjoy doing business with places that know their name, invest time into them, and give help where they can. 

No matter what the customer‘s purchase was, there’s a way for you to extend a hand with some expert insights. Include that into your thank you letter, and you’ll create an important line of communication and repeated business

This is something that makes customers a lot happier than you would expect. How often do you get a personalized message from a business? It breaks the mould and brings a little joy into the equation.

Express Your Appreciation With a Handwritten Note

When it comes to the personal touch, there’s nothing that beats an old-fashioned, handwritten card. No matter what the transaction was, something that has real handwriting on it will stand out. 

Think about it, how often do you read the obviously mass-produced mail in your mailbox? What about the letters you receive that have handwriting on them?

We tend to open those ones up. It can be difficult to manage handwritten client outreach when you deal with a lot of customers, though. It takes up a lot of time and thought, and you might not have the handwriting to do the job. 

A poorly scribbled letter might be hard to read and won’t seem professional. You’ve got an amazing option if that’s the case, though. 

Work with a company that writes your customer thank you letters by hand and does so with impeccable handwriting. Beautiful handwriting on a card from a business is something that a customer won’t forget anytime soon. 

You can have that kind of written correspondence for any business or personal message you’d like to send. If you’d like to thank a customer for her purchase with a personal touch but don’t have the script for it, we’re here to help you out on that front. 

Handwrytten can offer beautiful letters and other pieces of correspondence in large volumes. Your business will be better off because of it, and your clients will be amazed by your true gratitude.

Get Writing with Handwrytten!

Thanking customers can be difficult when you have a busy schedule to attend to. The businesscustomer relationship is delicate and a misstep might cost you a loyal customer. We’re here to help you out with beautiful thank you notes for your brand.

Explore our site for more information on how to get a beautiful handwritten thank you, improving the customer experience, and much more. 

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