Sales Enablement Tactics For Your Business

To positively impact your business’s finances and help your business development specialists close more sales, you need to look at your company’s sales enablement strategy. When your sales team has the right sales materials, tools, and resources to position your company favorably in the eyes of prospective customers, they will be able to outshine your competition, increase conversions, and drive more revenue for your business. Learn more about the components of sales enablement, sales enablement content, and several best practices for developing a sales and marketing strategy for your business, then follow up with relationship marketing.

What Is Sales Enablement?

Image via Unsplash by firmbee

Sales enablement includes all the strategies and techniques to give your company’s business development specialists the tools they need to close more sales. These tools may include resources, such as sales kits and customer relationship management software, that can effectively maximize your company’s sales efforts.

To be effective, sales enablement needs to be a shared responsibility between a company’s marketing team and sales staff. One of the primary responsibilities of marketing is creating sales resources needed for business development specialists. Sales materials examples can include videos, client case studies, product guides, and demos. Business development specialists can share this sales enablement content with leads and customers.

Both marketing and sales teams need to collaborate if sales enablement is to be effective. For example, marketing needs to be aware of what sales enablement content is not hitting the mark with leads, based on conversations with business development specialists. Similarly, business development specialists need to take the guidance of the marketing team into consideration as they cultivate customer relationships.

How To Maximize Your Sales Enablement Content

To strengthen the effectiveness of your content for sales team members, you need to understand how this content is currently working for you and how you want it to work for your business.

Audit Your Existing Sales Materials

Before reading further, evaluate the sales enablement content you’re currently using. Perhaps your sales tools include a product presentation deck, white papers, and customer case studies presented on your company’s website.

If you want to stay ahead of your competition and position your company’s sales professionals for success, periodically audit your content to update or replace materials as needed. Refresh your company’s services booklet. Revise product brochures. When your sales enablement content is relevant and up to date, you can position your company in the best light possible.

Turn Static Information Into Dynamic Content

Today’s business professionals have many responsibilities and many demands on their time. To capture a prospect’s attention and encourage the type of interaction that can foster further engagement, you need to deliver dynamic sales enablement content.

For example, while you can write and publish a data-filled case study to your website, the information you share in your case study would be even more dynamic if you created a complementary video to support it. Instead of creating a mediocre sales deck that showcases your creative firm’s design work, for example, make your sales presentation equally as compelling by infusing it with your high-quality design touch.

Don’t be afraid to look for opportunities to think outside the box when it comes to your sales enablement materials. Remember, you are striving to set your business apart from competitors within your industry. Giving your prospects something to remember you by is a great way to keep you in their mind when it’s time for them to make a purchase.

Use Handwritten Communications to Say Thank You and Close Deals

Regardless of whether you’re beginning a new business relationship or are renewing a contract with a longtime client, a handwritten note can go a long way to help you put a personal touch on your customer communications.

As you develop and refine your company’s sales funnel, think strategically about how you could use handwritten cards to support your sales cultivation efforts. Consider the following:

  • After a sales call or a product pitch, send a note thanking prospects for taking the time to learn more about your company and speak with you.
  • When a client has executed a contract with you, express your appreciation with a thank you card.
  • Use recurring business as repeat opportunities to thank your customers for investing in your products and services.
  • Acknowledge referrals from clients with whom you’ve done business. Even if the referral doesn’t immediately follow through with a sale, the gift of having a referral to broaden your pool of prospects is always worthy of a note of gratitude.

By adding personalized forms of communication as a content type to your marketing and sales efforts, you demonstrate to prospects and clients alike that your company cares about them beyond the dollars and cents of a sale alone.

Automate Your Sales Processes

Technology has come a long way to facilitate lead nurturing and sales cultivation. Make sure your business development team is staying focused on their tasks by using technology to automate and streamline your sales operations. For example, you can create email templates for specific sales actions, such as follow-ups and reminders, so that members of your sales team don’t have to re-create the same types of messages again and again.

If you’re currently using spreadsheets and online documents to record notes about sales prospects and update your sales pipeline, consider investing in sales enablement software. Also known as CRM (customer relationship management) systems, this software allows you to create a hub for all past, present, and future customer activity at your business.

With a CRM system in place for your business, members of your business development and marketing teams can access the critical data they need when they need it. Cloud-based CRMs are especially useful in situations where members of your business development and marketing teams work remotely from your office. Keeping employees connected, even when everyone can’t be physically present at the same time, ensures continued communication and collaboration.

When you give your business development specialists the most effective materials, resources, and tools needed to be successful in their sales enablement efforts, they’ll be able to use their time more effectively and be more productive with their sales outreach. With an engaged, enthusiastic sales team confidently using the resources you have, your business can retain its loyal customers and attract new brand advocates.

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