Writing A Great Closing for Your Card

The most challenging part of writing a letter, whether personal or business, is knowing how to end it. You may waffle back and forth about whether or not you should add one more sentence. You may even wonder if you should take a few words away. Of course, the other concern is if your message’s ending conveys the same tone as the message’s body. Here’s a launching point into some of the numerous ways you can close out your card.

Crafting the Closing

Creating a perfect ending is a tall order, but you can do it. Spend this time talking it over in your head and try writing it out. Grab a piece of paper and try out an ending. If it doesn’t feel right, try again.

There are many ways you can end your note. Take heed of the climate, whether it be business, wishing an employee happy birthday, sending a get-well soon card, or a message saying goodbye to a coworker. Use that as a launching point to assess how you should sign off. Trust your instincts, add in some of your personality, and you will find an appropriate closing for your cards.

Business Letter Closings

Business letters tend to carry a more formal tone. A particular set of etiquette is usually followed. An informal closing, generally reserved for family and friends, would likely be inappropriate in this context.

Some examples of simple formal closings for cards include:

  • Sincerely,
  • Respectfully,
  • Kindly yours,
  • Regards,
  • Yours truly,

These closings convey a formal message that is appropriate for all business letters. They would be perfect endings to documents like cover letters, inquiries, and follow-up notes. These are all situations where you do not have a personal relationship with the individual receiving the letter.

If you know the recipient but are still in a business setting, you may opt for something a little more friendly. Add in a personal touch with phrases like:

  • Best regards,
  • Cordially,
  • Yours respectfully,

These endings work well for notes to colleagues you have met a few times, vendors you see a few times a year, and people you interact with via email.

The third category for business closings is reserved for those you know well. The card may be going to a co-worker you have worked with for many years, a vendor you have done business with forever, or a colleague whom you have known for some time. In this case, the ending may look like this:

A business-like closing also works in a setting where you are unsure of which way to go. It removes any unintended emotions and gives the recipient a simple ending. However, if the card is for someone close to you or a family member, using a formal conclusion may be seen as cold and unfeeling. You don’t want your friend to think you are mad at them! If the card is going to a friend or family member, look at these personal letter closing options.

Personal Letter Endings

As you leave the business realm, your choices for card closing becomes more relaxed. There are far more options at your disposal when it comes to a personal card closing. Most of your friends and family are happy to receive a note from you and whatever sentiment is behind it. Just receiving the card is sure to light up their day. There are three different categories for personal card endings. Here is a look at some closing options for each of them.

When sending a card to people you are very close to, or to a coworker who you may not see again, feel free to make the closing extra personal and mushy. It is appropriate to use endings such as:

  • All my love,
  • Hugs and Kisses,
  • XOXO,
  • Love,

This group already knows you and adores you. With these closings, you convey your affection for them as well.

If the card is going to a friend or family member that you aren’t as close with, an emotional declaration may seem a bit overboard. In this case, use a warm and friendly closing that shows your appreciation for the individual and their friendship. Some examples include:

Closings in this realm are short, sweet, and to the point without being too lovey.

The last personal group are your acquaintances. In this group, you see these individuals often, possibly even daily, but do not know all that well. Examples in this group may be a teacher, co-worker, or neighbor. Closings for this group may be:

  • Best wishes.
  • Cheers!
  • Sincerely yours,
  • Best regards,
  • All the best,

Closings like these set a friendly tone but are not overly personal, perfect for those casual relationships in your life.

Proper Closing for Cards Format

When closing out your card, it is essential to write appropriately, especially if you are writing in a business setting. Always capitalize the first letter of your closing and follow it with a comma. If your closing is a phrase, capitalize the first letter of the first word. Leave all of the remaining words in the closing phrase lower case.

If you are using a card with your name and title pre-written, make sure you leave space for your signature. When sending snail mail, you should always use your physical signature. It looks professional and conveys a personal touch.

Letter Closing Examples

If you still cannot wrap your head around how to end your letter appropriately, here are a few more words to add to your card closing word bank to use as appropriate:

  • Fond regards,
  • Cordially yours,
  • Best,
  • In appreciation,
  • In sympathy,
  • Kind regards,
  • Kind thanks,
  • Stay well,
  • Stay safe and well,
  • Thank you,
  • Thank you for your time,
  • Thank you for your consideration,
  • With appreciation,
  • With deepest sympathy,
  • Your help is greatly appreciated,
  • Yours faithfully,
  • Yours very truly,

There are a multitude of closings to choose from, and the choices above are just a sampling of what is available. For additional ways to close out your business card, take a look at this post. If you are still stuck on how to end a more personal note, Handwrytten has many samples and formats available. For that extra personal touch, you can even send messages that look written by hand.

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