Connect with Customers Through Personalized Cards

Whether your company has a few dedicated clients or even thousands of customers, you should consider each as more than just a contract or a sales number. But how do you build meaningful relationships with each and every client? It isn’t always possible to grow partnerships in person, and calls and emails often appear too fleeting. When you send a customized greeting card, however, you can create strong client connections while building lasting relationships.

Find out how to connect with customers through personalized cards and learn how to automate customization in minutes.

Why Send Personalized Cards?

No matter your industry, your company is probably the recipient of countless generic cards. You can identify them right away, as they typically have preprinted addresses, uninspiring designs, and the same non-personalized message that hundreds of other customers received. These cards rarely have any distinguishing features and you’ll most likely throw them away immediately – if you open them at all.

Essentially the opposite of a generic note, personalized cards are customized for each recipient. They include unique messages that relate to events like major sales, upcoming holidays, and customer anniversaries. They highlight relevant aspects of your business relationships. As a result, they tend to be focused on the recipient rather than on the sender.

You can customize almost every aspect of a personalized greeting card, from the message to the design of the card. To add an extra touch of personality, avoid printing notes and opt for handwritten cards instead. Handwritten cards and envelopes might sound too time-consuming, but with Handwrytten, you can outsource the handwriting while still creating that personal element.

handwritten card in envelope

The Many Benefits of Personalized Cards for Your Business

Personalized greeting cards can benefit your business in a big way. Most importantly, custom cards give you an opportunity to take customer relationships offline. After all, your clients are already drowning in emails. Even well-designed, digital messages tend to get buried in inboxes or spam folders. Since the average office worker spends up to half of the workday just handling emails, building a relationship that goes beyond the screen has the potential to be more meaningful. Whether you’re forging new relationships with prospects or creating stronger partnerships with existing customers, personalized cards help you stay at the top of customers’ minds.

Sending customized cards instead of generic mail can also improve your company’s visibility significantly. Most people ignore preprinted mail entirely, and over 40 percent of junk mail ends up discarded without being opened. If you’re hoping for a response from your generic greeting, you could be waiting indefinitely. Preprinted mail has an average response rate of less than 5 percent, which means your return on investment is remarkably low.

In contrast, the majority of Americans prefer handwritten cards over digital messages. In most cases, however, customized cards are more than a personal preference. Customized cards stick out and prompt recipients to take notice of your company, which helps your business get seen. Your customers are less likely to ignore personalized cards, too. Handwritten notes have a significantly higher open rate than preprinted envelopes, and personalized cards inspire response rates of up to 50 percent, which is much higher than the average for printed pieces.

Since personalized cards require extra thought and effort to send, they often inspire a higher level of appreciation from your recipients. That means they help you make business relationships personal, too. You can send Handwrytten cards for any occasion, ranging from new client acquisition to major holidays to customer appreciation. Customized cards can benefit your business throughout the sales cycle.

Handwritten notes have a significantly higher open rate than preprinted envelopes.

How to Address Customized Cards

One of the biggest perks of customized cards is that you don’t have to start them off with a generic greeting. Instead, you can address them to the department you do business with, your main contact at your customer‘s firm, or even a handful of key players on your client’s team. Greet the recipients with full names and titles, or keep it casual with first names only. Use your well-honed judgment and your level of familiarity with the client to guide you.

Since you can connect Handwrytten to major customer relationship management tools (CRMs) like HubSpot and Salesforce, it couldn’t be easier to export customer contact details each time you want to send a personalized card. Since you can set up automatic card creation and sending, you won’t have to worry about mistyping an address or copying and pasting the wrong name. Instead, simply set up the right circumstances for sending a card, and Handwrytten will make sure all of the key details appear in the right places.

Handwrytten uses robot-generated handwriting technology to compose both messages and addresses, so you can avoid preprinted labels and envelopes. Instead, you can rest assured that every card you send will have a handwritten envelope. That feature alone will increase the chance that your recipient will open your card and read the message inside.

What to Include in Personalized Messages

No matter the occasion, always strive to focus your message on your recipient. Whether you’re sending a farewell message, a thank-you note, or a customer appreciation card, compose sincere messages that match your company’s brand identity. After all, you want every personalized card you send to sound like your business, not like a generic message that any company could have sent.

Be sure to include the right details in your personalized cards. Your approach should vary based on the occasion.

Holiday Cards

Mention the holidays, but try to keep any religious messages to a minimum unless you know that they would appreciate a Christmas card. Unless your organization has religious connections or your customers are particularly faithful. Plan to focus on the festive nature of the holidays. Be sure to include any promotional codes or specials you’re offering during the holiday season, but don’t stop there. Include a unique reason you think your customers will benefit from taking advantage of the discount, such as an expiring membership or an upgrade to their current subscription.

Thank-You Cards

Whether you’re expressing your thanks to new prospects, new customers, or repeat buyers, always start by mentioning the reason for your gratitude. Convey gratitude to new customers and offer helpful information to ensure they get the most out of their purchase. Thank repeat buyers for their loyalty, and consider adding a special bonus offer that’s sure to appeal. Then end the note by providing helpful information and a call to action. Thank prospects for taking the time to hop on a sales call, and offer your contact information for when they’re ready to take the next step.

Customer Appreciation Cards

Loyal customers can be big business, so be sure to add personal touches throughout client appreciation cards. Start with the number of years they’ve been customers, and mention what you’ve accomplished together. Consider including a discount offer to cement the relationship even further.

handwritten personalized client card

How to Add an Extra Custom Touch to Personalized Cards

Choosing an appropriate card and fine-tuning your message are essential steps for creating personalized cards. However, you can take your relationship-building efforts to the next level by adding an extra custom touch.

Contact Details

Whether you’re sending personalized messages to prospects or current customers, there’s a good chance they know how to communicate with your company. But do they have the email address for the right account manager or the phone number your team only offers to your best customers? Include a business card with your note to ensure that your clients never have trouble connecting with you.

Unique Codes

You might offer coupons and discounts to customers all year round. But what kind of special do you extend to the customers you value most? Offer a unique discount code with an unbeatable deal to your best clients, and make sure they know that no one else gets access to the same savings.

Gift Cards

As you get to know your customers you quickly learn what makes them tick. Show them how well you know them by adding a gift card into the next note you send. Make sure it’s relevant to their interests, such as a coffee shop gift card for a client who loves caffeine or a music download gift card for a customer who shares your love of music.

Referral Fees

Once you’ve cultivated loyal customers, there’s a good chance they’ll want to recommend you to their colleagues. Simplify referrals by outlining your process in two or three steps. Clarify the fee you’re offering, and close out the card with a personalized call to action (CTA).

Landing Pages

Combine your digital and analog customer relationship tactics by sending card recipients to a landing page. Encourage customers to navigate to a unique URL that features a personalized offer. Like creating custom promotional codes, this tactic lets you track results online instantly.

Ways to Integrate Custom Cards Into Your Workflow

Adding custom cards to your workflow is easier than you might think, no matter how automated your sales process is. Handwrytten seamlessly integrates with a long list of apps and software platforms so you can automate handwritten correspondence at key points in your sales funnel.

Integrate with Salesforce

Companies using Salesforce to manage customer relationships throughout the sales process can easily link this software with Handwrytten. With the Salesforce plugin, you can add a button for sending customized cards inside any available views. You don’t even have to leave the Salesforce interface to send cards. Just select the template you’d like to use, choose a card, and send it within your sales software. You can even store correspondence activity with customer details so every member of your team can track touchpoints throughout the sales process.

Integrate with SharpSpring

SharpSpring users can also take advantage of Handwrytten’s robust tools, adding personalized notes at virtually any workflow stage. Whether you’ve just added a new lead to your linked CRM your SharpSpring-powered landing page or your email app has detected certain customer activity, you can grow client relationships when it matters most.

Integrate with 1,000s of Apps via Zapier

Handwrytten’s integrations don’t stop there. By linking this personalized card app with Zapier, you’ll instantly gain hundreds of options for automating your workflow. Try connecting your WooCommerce or Shopify store, and set up a Zap to welcome new customers or major buyers. Along the same lines, PayPal and Stripe users can automate thank you notes for new customers or repeat buyers with a simple Zap. Moonclerk users can even create a Zap that rewards regular customers or subscribers with custom notes.

Quickbooks Online

Want to thank your biggest customers at the end of a great year? Link Handwrytten to Quickbooks Online, and create a Zap that sends personalized cards to clients. Need to express your gratitude to donors large and small? Set up a Zap to send Donately donors heartfelt thank-you notes. Want to increase your conversion rate for new leads? Create a Zap to mail Handwrytten cards to new prospects the moment they enter your Pardot, Infusionsoft, or CRM Connector database.

Custom API

Since Handwrytten makes its full API available, you can set up custom integrations for your company’s software solutions, too. If your team isn’t ready for full app integration, however, you can also keep things simple by uploading customer contact details in the spreadsheet format. Handwrytten supports bulk Excel spreadsheet uploads, giving you the power to send hundreds or even thousands of cards in minutes.

Handwrytten offers so many opportunities for automating customer correspondence. You won’t have to interrupt your business process or add to your workload. Simply link Handwrytten to apps that your sales and support teams already use, and start sending personalized cards that your customers will love.

From holiday cards to thank-you notes to farewell cards, personalized cards can help you connect with your clients, build stronger relationships, and grow your business. Ready to find out firsthand what customized greeting cards can do for your company? Choose a Handwrytten card and start personalizing your customer communications.

Choose from our cards design or your own.

Over 100 designs to choose from or design your own. Our online card customizer makes it simple.

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