Top 5 Benefits of a Handwritten Note Service for Physicians

In the United States alone, nearly 900 million visits are made to the doctor each year. That can make it tough for any doctor, especially one with a new practice, to stand out.

A handwritten note service can be exactly what a physician needs to earn patient loyalty. If you’ve been looking into handwritten notes as a business practice, read on for the top 5 benefits of a handwritten note service for physicians.

Handwritten Notes are Here to Help

The average doctor has more than 2,000 patients under their care. That’s an overwhelming amount of communication and correspondence for any healthcare provider.

handwritten thank you note is more than just a cute novelty. While a typed note can portray information, making notes by hand can make healthcare professionals stand out. A handwritten letter, or even just a handwritten card, can elevate your patient‘s experience considerably.

As you determine if handwritten notes could benefit your practice, consider the five following reasons of utilizing Handwrytten for your patient correspondence.

1. Earn Strong DoctorPatient Relationships

A common complaint from patients is that they feel like just another body in the doctor‘s office. It can be difficult to provide a patient the care they need and also make them feel welcome. This is especially the case for difficult-to-treat conditions. 

A handwritten note gives your patient the feeling that they matter. Rather than cold, sterile text printed off with a barely-legible signature at the bottom, they see that you’ve gone the extra mile. This is integral to earning strong relationships with your patients.

Giving the care a patient needs to feel welcome is often difficult. The little touches can be all it takes to brighten your patient‘s day. Make sure not to let small details like the personal touch of a handwritten note slip through the cracks.

2. Improve Marketing

As your relationship improves with your patients, your marketing will improve as well. Patients talk, and just as how a bad reputation can travel quickly, so too can a good one. Patients that feel welcomed and cared for by you are much more likely to suggest you as a physician.

Your patients discussing their positive experiences with you can encourage new patients seek you out. This can travel exponentially as many patients discuss their positive experiences under your care.

Best of all, this improved marketing comes simply by word of mouth. That means you won’t have to pay a dime! By improving your patient experience, you’ve made a positive impact on all facets of your practice.

Referral thank you example for businesses

3. Better the Patient Experience

For many patients, a visit to the healthcare provider isn’t a pleasant one by default. There’s a great amount of anxiety in the diagnosis, treatment, billing, and everything else involved. Many patients are apprehensive of doctors just by nature, even if it’s their first interaction.

A handwritten note can help to dispel these feelings and provide a much better patient experience. You could welcome patients to your practice or simply mention that you look forward to visiting with them at their upcoming appointment. For patients with more severe conditions, a handwritten note is a simple way to put a smile on their faces and remind them you care about their health.

Making your customers feel special and important goes a long way in your care for them. You’ll earn the loyalty with your patients while also gaining their trust and comfort. This will make them more honest and forward with you in the future, making treatment much easier.

4. Strengthen Communication

Let’s be honest – a patient getting a lengthy typed note usually isn’t read all the way through. A cold, boring letter of twelve-font Times New Roman just doesn’t convey information as well as you would like it to.

This can lead to an awful breakdown in communication. Patients may not bother reading the entire notice, which can cause them to misuse their prescription, fail to show up for an appointment, and have plenty of other issues.

While this isn’t necessarily your fault as a physician, that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do to improve it. A simple handwritten note will be much more interesting and readable to a patient. By only communicating the necessary information, you can retain your patient‘s attention to ensure the message sticks.

However, physicians handwriting letters brings up the age-old question, “why do doctors have bad handwriting?” While we can’t simply answer your question, there’s no need to fear! Handwrytten has real handwriting styles readily available for use!

5. Professional Appearance

Many look to doctors as figures of authority, and in the medical world, that certainly proves true. Most patients put their trust in doctors, and even those that aren’t being treated will usually take a doctor at their word. You’re an expert in your field, so conduct yourself as well as you can.

A handwritten note reflects a much more professional appearance. By leaning into this attention to detail, you’re able to give your patients that feeling of a focused professional. This can help to cement your place as a trusted authority figure in your patients’ lives.

You may find patients being more loyal and appreciative of your help just from your professional appearance alone. By giving them the courtesy of handwritten notes, you’re presenting yourself as a detail-focused professional. This can make them more trusting and more willing to seek your help when the time comes.

Moving to a Handwritten Note Service

A handwritten note service can be all it takes to transform your patient‘s experience from cold and unwelcoming to warm and inviting. This can lead to more trust and a better doctorpatient relationship. Do your best to nurture the emotions of your patients with a personal touch.

If you have more questions about Handwrytten and the benefits of handwritten notes for health care providers, feel free to browse our frequently asked questions. Contact us directly to discuss adding handwritten notes to your practice today. Your patients will be thankful for your attention to their care.

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