25 Real Estate Handwritten Notes Samples

Handwritten notes for real estate are more important than ever before. As a real estate agent, your role is no longer just talking to new clients to convince them to purchase or rent a home – you also need to have a well-thought-out client nurturing strategy.  Most people are currently not in the market for a new home, and due to economic conditions now people are holding off on big purchases even longer.

Of course, you could take the easy route and send automated emails out to every single potential lead within your geo-targeted area; but this would be a grave mistake. Instead, it is better to develop a strategy surrounding the customer, consisting of emails, traditional print, and handwritten notes to stay top of mind and be there when the prospect does begin the hunt for their next dream home or dream rental.

Why should real estate agents leverage handwritten notes?

Sending handwritten notes to real estate clients and prospects is an important demonstration of excellent customer service. It’s a thoughtful and intimate gesture that can be hard to come by in today’s digital world.  Furthermore, it differentiates you from agents that don’t take the time to do something so thoughtful.

They allow you to show you are thinking about the client, in more meaningful ways than a simple email or text message. It makes your client feel greatly appreciated and valued that you care enough to take the time to sit down, take out a pen, and write them a note on personalized stationery. This level of professionalism also speaks volumes about what kind of successful real estate agent you are: you aren’t afraid of going that extra mile for your clients.

Mailboxes with handwritten notes from real estate agents

When it comes to the more tangible, hard facts, we want to emphasize this: historically, email marketing receives an average open rate of just over 22%. Handwritten letters, on the other hand, are opened over 99% of the time. These numbers make quite a bit of sense if we use some other contextual data.

In 2019, while the average office worker received more than 120 emails daily, 2017 data from the U.S. Postal Regulatory Commission says that the average American received 10 pieces of personal mail throughout the whole year.

Putting yourself in a potential client’s shoes, you can imagine you’d be a lot more likely to open a piece of handwritten mail compared to another of the hundreds of emails you receive daily.

The benefits of handwritten notes for real estate agents

We’ve established that as a real estate agent, your return on investment (ROI) is, by default, significantly higher when you use handwritten notes over other traditional marketing methods, helping to offset a high customer acquisition cost. But beyond these raw metrics, what are some of the intangible benefits of sending handwritten mail as a realtor?

Develop stronger relationships by handwriting cards

improving home sales and client relationships with handwritten notes

Many a real estate coach have said that handwritten letters are an effective tool a real estate professional can use to stand out from the competition and make a lasting impression on their clients.

Not only do they express a real-life touch that digital methods can never achieve, but they also show that you care enough to express your gratitude in an attention-grabbing way. Clients who receive these personalized notes feel more appreciated and valued, creating a higher degree of consumer loyalty between real estate sales professionals and customers alike.

In this era of digitization, taking the time to pen a thoughtful card or personalized note doubles down on strong customer relationships and supports your long-term success.

Give a personal touch to your brand

Handwritten notes are a great way for real estate brokers to add a unique touch to their brand. Writing your own messages in your own handwriting allows them to create unique cards that set them apart from the competition, as very few people still handwrite cards due to an overreliance on technology.

Sending a handwritten note also aids in relationship marketing, creating a more personal relationship with new clients. Furthermore, they provide an opportunity to build trust while diplomatically delivering messages that can sometimes not be achieved with technology alone. This will substantially set you apart from your competitors to aid you in maintaining customer relationships to a high degree.

Generate leads in an under-saturated market

If it isn’t clear, the ‘under-saturated market’ we’re referring to here is the market for sending handwritten letters. Since very few realtors have realized how beneficial a handwritten note can be, you can immediately stand out from competitors by sending them. This will immediately help you build a human connection between you and the folks you reach out to, which is ideally what we want to do.

Of course, we want to build consumer loyalty to make repeat purchases occur, but in the real estate industry, that doesn’t really happen often. But what does happen is garnering referrals from loyal customers who appreciate the time and care you put into interacting with them. If you can build relationships with your clients, this is absolutely the best way to minimize costs going into the future.

25 real estate handwritten notes template for real estate agents

coffee, phone, paper

By now, you’ve garnered a pretty comprehensive understanding of why handwritten notes are important in the real estate industry, but perhaps you want something a bit more actionable.

We work with literally thousands of real estate agents on a day-to-day basis to help them send their clients and potential leads direct mail, and we have amassed quite a few real estate letter templates to make your lives even easier. Below are some examples of notes for different situations.  However, please note that Handwrytten now has direct AI integration and can generate unlimited messages for you at no charge to help you in every situation with your prospective buyer or seller.  Please skip to the bottom of this article to learn more.

Real Estate Letter Templates for Prospecting

Prospecting is all about opening a dialogue, making a connection, and leaving a memorable impression. When done right, a well-crafted handwritten note can be the key that unlocks a wealth of future business.

Whether you’re reaching out to a potential client or reconnecting with a past one, our templates are designed with one goal in mind – to make it easy for you to express your professionalism and dedication in a way that feels personal and authentic.

So, ready to get started? Let’s dive in!

Template #1: Introductory letter to potential client

Dear __________,

I am writing to introduce myself as a local real estate agent who is dedicated to providing unparalleled service and expertise in the real estate market. I understand that buying or selling a home is a major life decision, and I am committed to guiding you through this process seamlessly and efficiently.

With my extensive knowledge of the local market and a proven track record of successful real estate transactions, I am confident in my ability to help you achieve your real estate goals. Whether you’re considering selling your current home or searching for a new one, I am here to provide you with unparalleled industry knowledge and trusted guidance.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or if there’s anything you’d like to discuss. I look forward to the possibility of working with you and helping you navigate your real estate journey.

Best regards,

Your Name

My personal number: (___)___-____

My personal email: ________

Make sure to replace generic phrases, like ‘local market’, with specifics to your geographic area.

Template #2: Invitation to an open house

Dear __________,

I am excited to invite you to an exclusive open house event that I am hosting for a beautiful property in our area. This event will be taking place on [date] at [time], and I believe this could be an excellent opportunity for you to explore potential new homes or gain a sense of the market if you’re considering selling.

The property boasts [mention key features of the property such as number of bedrooms, bathrooms, unique features, recent upgrades, yard size, location, etc.]. I believe this home offers excellent value and could be just what you’re looking for – check out the listing online here: [insert URL here].

Even if you’re not currently in the market to buy or sell, the event will provide a great chance to network with neighbors, meet local real estate professionals, and enjoy the ambiance of this stunning property.

Please feel free to bring a friend or family member who may also be interested in this opportunity. I look forward to meeting you at the open house and discussing how I can assist you with your real estate needs.

Looking forward to seeing you soon,

Your Name

My personal number: (___)___-____

My personal email: ________

Template #3: Follow up after the initial meeting

Dear __________,

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for meeting with me on [date]. It was a pleasure learning more about your real estate needs and discussing how I can assist you in this journey.

Based on our conversation, I understand that you are looking for [briefly mention the main points discussed in the meeting]. I want to assure you that my main priority is to help you make the best possible decisions to meet your real estate goals.

In the coming days, I’ll be gathering some options and information that I believe may be beneficial to you. In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any additional questions, concerns, or if there’s something specific you’d like me to focus on.

I look forward to working with you and assisting you in your real estate journey. Your satisfaction is my number one priority, and I am committed to providing you with the best service possible.

Excited to discuss our next steps,

Your Name

My personal number: (___)___-____

My personal email: ________

Real Estate Letter Templates for Working with Buyers

Working with buyers in the real estate market is a journey that involves understanding their unique needs, preferences, and goals. Our meticulously curated templates are designed to help you communicate effectively and authentically with potential home buyers.

From initial contact to the final stages of purchase, these templates will be your guiding light to create a strong, long-lasting relationship with your clients. So let’s jump right in and explore these valuable tools for successful communication!

Template #4: Thank you for choosing me as your buyer’s agent

Dear __________,

Thank you for entrusting me with the responsibility of serving as your buyer’s agent in your real estate journey. I am truly grateful for the trust you’ve placed in me, and I want to reassure you that your decision will be rewarded with dedication, professionalism, and unparalleled service.

As your buyer’s agent, my goal is to ensure that we find the perfect home that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations. I am committed to using my industry knowledge and expertise to negotiate the best possible price and terms on your behalf, and to make the entire buying process smooth and stress-free.

Please feel free to reach out to me at any time with any questions or concerns. I am here to serve you, and I can’t wait to start this exciting journey together.

Thank you again,

Your Name

My personal number: (___)___-____

My personal email: ________

Template #5: Check in after home tour

Dear __________,

I trust this message finds you well. I wanted to check in following our recent home tour(s) at [insert property address]. It was truly a pleasure to show you around the property/properties, and I hope you found the experience informative and enjoyable.

I am eager to hear your thoughts on the house(s) we viewed. Your feedback is invaluable in helping me better understand your preferences and needs, and it will help me to refine our search and focus on properties that more closely align with your dream home.

Remember, the journey to finding the perfect home sometimes takes time and patience. Rest assured, I am committed to providing you with attentive, personalized service every step of the way.

Please feel free to reach out to me at any time should you have any questions, require further details about the viewed properties, or if you would like to schedule additional tours. I’m here to assist and guide you in this exciting journey.

Keep me posted,

Your Name

My personal number: (___)___-____

My personal email: ________

Template #6: Confirming your home buying criteria

Dear __________,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to confirm the criteria for your home search as we continue this exciting journey of finding your dream property. Based on our previous discussions, I understand that you are looking for a property with [mention the specific details such as number of bedrooms, bathrooms, location, size, any unique features they are interested in].

Rest assured, I am committed to finding a home that not only meets, but exceeds these criteria. Your satisfaction is my utmost priority, and I will leverage my resources and expertise in the real estate industry to bring you closer to your dream home.

Please take a moment to review the criteria I’ve listed and let me know if there are any adjustments or additions you’d like to make. Remember, this is your journey, and I am here to make your life as easy as possible along it.

Feel free to contact me with any questions, thoughts, or concerns you may have. I look forward to continuing on this journey together towards finding your ideal home.

Best regards,

Your Name

My personal number: (___)___-____

My personal email: ________

Template #7: House hunting update

Dear __________,

I hope this message finds you in high spirits. As we continue our search for your perfect home, I wanted to provide you with a quick house-hunting update.

It’s been an exciting journey so far, and I’ve been sifting through numerous properties that align with your specific criteria. I have shortlisted a select few that I believe may pique your interest. These properties not only match your needs, but also have unique features that could offer additional value.

Over the course of the coming week, I’ll be sending you detailed profiles of these properties for your review. Remember, my role is to present you with the best options, but the final decision is always yours. As we move forward, I encourage you to give your honest feedback on these selections, as it will help me refine our search further.

I am committed to providing you with the best possible service during this house-hunting journey. Your dream home is out there, and I am confident we will find it together. Please feel free to reach out to me at any time if you have any questions or need additional information.

Thank you again for entrusting me with this task. I appreciate your patience and collaboration in this journey.

Excited to find your dream home,

Your Name

My personal number: (___)___-____

My personal email: ________

Template #8: Congrats on finding your dream home!

Dear __________,

Congratulations! The search is over, and your dream home is now a reality. I am absolutely thrilled to have been a part of this exciting journey with you. Finding a home is not just about bricks and mortar – it’s about discovering a space that resonates with your lifestyle and aspirations, and I hope this property does exactly that for you.

Now the fun part begins! Planning your move, arranging your space, and truly making this house your home. Remember, the process of transition can be both thrilling and overwhelming, but rest assured, I am still here to assist you. Whether you need recommendations for moving companies, setting up utilities, or simply need to bounce off decorating ideas, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you again for placing your trust in me during this journey. Your satisfaction has been my ultimate goal, and knowing we have achieved it together fills me with immense joy. I hope your new home provides you with many years of happiness and creates wonderful memories.

Please stay in touch and feel free to reach out to me at any time. I look forward to hearing all about your new adventures in your dream home!

Until then,

Your Name

My personal number: (___)___-____

My personal email: ________

This letter may seem a bit odd to send after the fact, but providing a good customer experience as a real estate agent doesn’t end after you’ve made the sale.

Real Estate Letter Templates for Working with Sellers

Working with sellers in the real estate market requires a unique set of communication strategies. Tailoring your message to their specific needs, concerns, and goals can pave the way for a successful collaboration.

Our templates provide concise, courteous, and compelling means to engage with potential sellers. Each one is designed to address a particular stage of the selling process, ensuring that you deliver the right message at the right time.

Template #9: Thank you for listing your home with me

Dear __________,

I wanted to extend my deepest gratitude for choosing to list your wonderful home with me. It’s indeed an honor to embark on this journey with you, and I am committed to ensuring that it’s as smooth and successful as possible.

Selling a home isn’t merely a transaction; it’s a significant life event, and I appreciate the trust you’ve placed in me to guide you through this process. With my expertise in the real estate market, my dedication to client satisfaction, and our shared vision, I am confident that we will navigate this journey efficiently and effectively.

In the coming days, we will work together to showcase the unique charm of your property, from its impressive features to its great location and potential for new owners. I assure you, I will utilize all of my available resources and strategies to make your home stand out to attract the right buyers.

Remember, I am here to facilitate this process according to your needs. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas. Your input is invaluable, and together, we will achieve not just a successful sale, but the best possible outcome for you.

Thank you again for entrusting me with this important task. I am excited to move forward and am eager to keep you updated every step of the way.

Best regards,

Your Name

My personal number: (___)___-____

My personal email: ________

Template #10: Preparing your home for showings

Dear __________,

Getting your home ready for showings is an essential step in the selling process, and I’m here to guide you through it! Ensuring that your home is presented in its best light can make a world of difference in attracting potential buyers.

Firstly, let’s focus on decluttering and depersonalizing your home. This process allows the potential buyers to envision their own lives and their belongings in the space. Remember, our objective is to create a welcoming atmosphere that potential buyers can associate with their future home!

Next, let’s highlight the unique features of your home. Whether it’s the cozy fireplace, the modern kitchen, or the spacious backyard, these distinguishing traits are what make your home unique, and we want to ensure they are in the spotlight.

Finally, cleaning and minor repairs can significantly enhance the overall appeal of your home. A sparkling clean home with everything in working order goes a long way in creating a positive impression.

Throughout this process, I’ll be right there with you, offering guidance, tips, and assistance to ensure your home shines. Together, we’ll make your home irresistible to potential buyers.

As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. I’m here to support you every step of the way.

Best regards,

Your Name

My personal number: (___)___-____

My personal email: ________

Template #11: Feedback after first open house

Dear __________,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to share the feedback we received from the first open house, and I must say, the response was overwhelmingly positive!

Firstly, guests were truly captivated by the unique charm of your property. The modern kitchen and spacious backyard were definite showstoppers, and many could easily envision themselves calling your place ‘home’. The effort you put into decluttering and depersonalizing the space did not go unnoticed. The guests appreciated the clean, inviting atmosphere that allowed them to imagine their own belongings in the space.

However, no home is perfect, and there were a few minor concerns mentioned by some potential buyers. A few guests suggested that some minor repairs and a fresh coat of paint could enhance the overall appeal of the home. But don’t worry; these are simple fixes, and I’m here to assist you in addressing these matters effectively.

Remember, this feedback is a powerful tool for us. It allows us to understand the buyer’s perspective better and make necessary improvements to attract the right buyers. I am confident that with a few adjustments, your home will continue to be a strong contender in the market.

As always, I am here to assist you with your needs and concerns. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or if there’s anything you’d like to discuss further.

Thank you for your continued trust in me. Let’s continue this journey together and make your home the best it can be for the next open house!

Best regards,

Your Name

My personal number: (___)___-____

My personal email: ________

Template #12: Reviewing offer(s) on your home

Dear __________,

Exciting news – we have received an offer on your home! I wanted to share the details with you and discuss our next steps.

The offer is for ________ (amount) from a potential buyer who seems genuinely interested in your property. They mentioned that they were impressed by the unique features of your home, especially the modern kitchen and spacious backyard. They also appreciated the effort you put into decluttering and depersonalizing the space, creating a welcoming atmosphere for them to envision their future in your home.

I have reviewed the offer carefully and am confident that we can negotiate a great deal for you. We can consider countering with ________ (amount), or we can also leave room for further negotiations. I am here to guide you through this process and ensure that your best interests are represented.

Please take some time to review the offer, and let me know your thoughts. I am available to discuss any questions or concerns you may have. Together, we can make the most out of this opportunity and secure a successful sale for your property.

Thank you for your trust in me. Let’s keep the momentum going!

Best regards,

Your Name

My personal number: (___)___-____

My personal email: ________

Template #13: Congrats on selling your home!

Dear __________,

Congratulations on the successful sale of your home! This is a huge accomplishment and I am thrilled to have been able to guide you through this process. Your dedication and cooperation were instrumental to this achievement.

The journey, though challenging at times, was worth all the effort. From preparing your home for showings, to navigating through negotiations, you handled everything with grace and patience. The modern kitchen, spacious backyard, and the welcoming atmosphere truly made your home stand out, and the new owners are just as thrilled as we are.

Remember, though your home has been sold, my commitment to serving you doesn’t end here. I am still here to assist you in your next steps, whether that’s finding a new home, relocating, or anything else you may need. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me.

Thank you for entrusting me with this significant task. Your trust and support have made this a truly rewarding journey for me. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors!

Your Name

My personal number: (___)___-____

My personal email: ________

Real Estate Letter Templates: At the Closing Table

Navigating the closing process of a real estate transaction can often seem daunting for many clients. With a multitude of documents to review, signatures required, and financial matters to finalize, it’s a crucial stage where professional guidance can truly make a difference.

Below are thoughtfully designed templates that ensure clear, friendly, and reassuring communication with your clients at the closing table, ensuring they feel supported and confident every step of the way.

Template #14: Thank you for your trust throughout the process

Dear __________,

I hope this message finds you well. As we reach the end of this journey, I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for your trust and cooperation throughout the process of selling your home.

From our first meeting to the final paperwork, your unwavering commitment and trust in my expertise made this process smooth and successful. Your active involvement in each step, from staging your home to accepting the offer, played a significant role in the positive result we achieved.

Please remember that my door is always open for your future real estate needs. Whether you’re looking to buy, sell, or just need some real estate advice, I am just a call or email away. I look forward to the possibility of working with you again in the future.

Once again, thank you for your trust and cooperation. It was a genuine pleasure serving you.

Best regards,

Your Name

My personal number: (___)___-____

My personal email: ________

Template #15: Excited for you as you move into your new home

Dear __________,

I can’t begin to express how excited I am for you as you move into your new home! It’s a new chapter, a fresh start, and I’m sure you’re brimming with anticipation and joy. I remember when we first started this journey, looking at potential homes and envisioning what could be. And look where we are now!

Every corner of your new home is ready to be filled with love, laughter, and countless memories. Those empty rooms are just waiting to resonate with life and become a unique reflection of you and your family. And you know what the best part is? This is just the beginning!

I want to assure you that even though we’ve reached this milestone, I’m still here for you. Be it any questions about the new neighborhood or advice on settling in, don’t hesitate to reach out. After all, isn’t that what friends do?

Once again, congratulations on your new home! I can’t wait to hear about all the wonderful moments that unfold in your new abode.

Your Name

My personal number: (___)___-____

My personal email: ________

Template #16: It was a pleasure working with you

Dear __________,

As we close this chapter of our journey together, I want to express how much I enjoyed working with you. It’s been such a pleasure to assist you throughout this important process, and I am thrilled we could celebrate the successful sale of your home.

Getting to know you, understanding your needs and preferences, and striving to meet your expectations has not only given me immense satisfaction, but has also enriched my experience as a real estate professional. The way you handled every step, from preparations to negotiations, was truly inspiring.

Remember, just because this chapter has closed doesn’t mean our story has ended. Whether you’re thinking about a new property, need advice on real estate investments, or simply want to share your new home celebration pictures, please feel free to reach out. I’m just a phone call or email away!

Once again, thank you for being an integral part of this wonderful journey.

To future collaborations and many more successful ventures,

Your Name

My personal number: (___)___-____

My personal email: ________

Template #17: Best wishes in your new home!

Dear __________,

Congratulations on moving into your new home! This is a significant step and a joyous occasion, and I couldn’t be more thrilled for you. Transitioning to a new place and making it your own is truly an adventure. And from the sounds of it, you’re ready to dive right in!

Your new home is more than just a structure; it’s a blank canvas waiting to be transformed by your unique touch. Each room holds the promise of countless memories just waiting to be created. The laughter, the bonds, the milestones celebrated – those walls will soon echo with the beautiful story of your life.

Remember, I’m still here for you even after the sale. Whether you need advice on local businesses, schools, or community events or just want to share updates on how you’re settling in, I’d be delighted to hear from you. After all, the relationships I build with my clients don’t end at closing—they’re just beginning!

Once again, congratulations on this exciting new chapter in your life. May your new house quickly become a comforting and joy-filled home. Best wishes!

Best regards,

Your Name

My personal number: (___)___-____

My personal email: ________

Follow-Up Real Estate Letter Templates

Maintaining communication with clients even after the conclusion of a transaction is vital in real estate. This practice helps to build enduring relationships, foster trust, and pave the way for future collaborations.

The following templates provide an easy and effective way to follow up with clients, ensuring your message is not only professional but also personal and heartfelt.

Template #18: Happy anniversary in your new home

Dear __________,

Happy anniversary! I can hardly believe it’s already been a year since you moved into your beautiful new home. Time really does fly when you’re making a house a home, doesn’t it?

Throughout this year, you’ve transformed an empty space into a warm haven filled with love, laughter, and countless memories. I’m sure those walls have already heard so much joy and are eagerly waiting to witness many more such beautiful moments.

As you celebrate this special day, I hope you take a moment to reflect on the wonderful journey that led you here and the incredible memories you’ve created in your new home so far.

Remember, I’m still here for you. If there’s anything you need, any questions you have, or if you just want to share the latest updates on your home, I’m only a call or an email away. After all, we’ve been through an incredible journey together, and that’s what friends do.

Happy Home Anniversary once again! Here’s to many more amazing years in your wonderful home,

Your Name

My personal number: (___)___-____

My personal email: ________

Template #19: Checking in on your new home

Dear __________,

I hope this message finds you well. It’s been a while since we last connected, and I thought it would be an excellent opportunity to check in on you and see how you’re settling into your new home.

I imagine that your home must already be blossoming with your personal touch, each room echoing with laughter and love. Have you discovered any new favorite spots or perhaps a hidden perk of the neighborhood? Remember, the essence of a home isn’t just about the bricks and mortar, but the experiences and memories that come together to build a cherished haven.

If you have any questions about property maintenance, neighborhood services, or even need some DIY home improvement tips, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I’m always here to ensure your journey as a homeowner is as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Looking forward to hearing all about your experiences in your new home. Take care and remember, I’m just a phone call or email away!

Let me know,

Your Name

My personal number: (___)___-____

My personal email: ________

Template #20: Request for online reviews

Dear __________,

It’s been an absolute pleasure helping you with your home journey. Your trust and confidence in me have truly been the driving force behind my continuous efforts to deliver a smooth and satisfying experience.

In an effort to better serve you and others, I would greatly appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to share your experience working with me by leaving an online review. Your feedback not only helps me improve and grow as a professional, but it also helps future clients who are on the lookout for reliable real estate services.

Writing a review is quick, simple, and can make a world of difference. Just visit [link to review site], and let the world know about your experience! Your insights and experiences are valuable, and sharing them is a great way to extend our community.

Remember, I’m still here for any real estate needs or questions you may have. Don’t hesitate to reach out!

Thank you again for your support, and I look forward to staying connected.

Best regards,

Your Name

My personal number: (___)___-____

My personal email: ________

Template #21: Request for referrals of family & friends

Dear __________,

It’s always a joy helping someone find their dream home. One of the most rewarding aspects of my profession is knowing that I’ve made a real difference in someone’s life by guiding them towards a decision that brings them happiness and peace.

Do you have a friend, family member, or colleague who’s in search of their dream home too? Your recommendation would mean the world to me! Referrals are not just about expanding business, but about spreading the joy and satisfaction that comes along with finding the perfect home.

Please feel free to share my contact information with anyone you think could benefit from my services. Remember, every new journey starts with a single step and I’d be thrilled to be a part of their home-owning journey just as I was part of yours.

Thank you for considering this request, and remember – I’m here for any of your future real estate needs. Just a call or an email away!

Looking forward to talking soon,

Your Name

My personal number: (___)___-____

My personal email: ________

Real Estate Letter Templates for the Holiday Season

The holiday season is a unique time, filled with joy, giving, and a sense of warmth and closeness, making it the perfect opportunity to connect with your clients.

In this section, we’re sharing some specially designed real estate letter templates for the holiday season. These templates aim to spread the festive cheer while subtly reminding clients of your services, ensuring your business stays top-of-mind even amidst the holiday hustle and bustle.

Template #22: Season’s greetings

Dear __________,

Season’s greetings! As the year wraps up and we find ourselves amidst the festive cheer, I wanted to take a moment to reach out and express my warmest wishes to you and your loved ones.

This time of the year is all about reflecting on our blessings and cherishing the love of family and friends. Amidst all the twinkling lights and beautifully wrapped gifts, it’s the warmth and comfort of our homes that truly captures the spirit of the season. As you celebrate in your own home, may you create a treasure trove of beautiful memories filled with joy, love, and laughter.

If the new year brings any new real estate needs or questions, remember I’m here to help. Whether you’re thinking about renovating, have questions about property value, or are considering a move in the future, feel free to reach out!

For now, just enjoy the togetherness this season brings. Here’s to a holiday filled with warmth, comfort, and good cheer. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family!

Best regards,

Your Name

My personal number: (___)___-____

My personal email: ________

Template #23: Wishing you joy this holiday season

Finish off this letter template

Dear __________,

With the holiday season upon us, I wanted to take a moment to wish you joy, love, and peace. As the nights grow longer and the year draws to a close, your home becomes a beacon of warmth and comfort, a place for building precious memories and sharing priceless moments.

During this festive season, I hope you find time to enjoy the beauty of your home, whether it’s a quiet evening by the fire or a lively gathering with loved ones. Remember, the value of a home is not just measured in square feet but in the love and joy it nourishes.

As we look forward to the New Year, if you have any questions, real estate needs, or just want to share your seasonal decorations, I’m here for you! No question is too small or too big, and I’m always excited to hear from you.

Thank you again for allowing me to be part of your home journey. Wishing you a season of joy, a festive holiday, and a fantastic New Year.

Enjoy your [holiday]!

Your Name

My personal number: (___)___-____

My personal email: ________

Template #24: Happy New Year!

Dear __________,

As we bid farewell to another year and welcome the dawn of a new one, I hope this message finds you in good spirits, surrounded by love and warmth in the coziness of your home. It has been an absolute privilege to be a part of your journey and to assist you in making your house a home.

The start of a new year often brings new hopes, dreams, and resolutions. As you set your sights on the future, remember that I’m here to help with any real estate needs or goals that may arise. Whether you’re considering a remodel, curious about your home’s value in the upcoming market, or thinking of embarking on a new home journey altogether, I’m just a phone call or email away!

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your story. Here’s to a New Year filled with prosperity, peace, and happiness in your homes and hearts. Wishing you a spectacular New Year, and remember, your home journey is a journey we embark on together!

Happy New Year!

Your Name

My personal number: (___)___-____

My personal email: ________

Template #25: Thanksgiving blessings

Dear __________,

As we gather to give thanks for the blessings in our lives, I wanted to reach out and share my heartfelt gratitude for your trust and support. It’s because of wonderful clients like you that I continue to find joy and fulfillment in my role as a real estate professional.

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to reflect on the warmth and comfort of our homes, to appreciate not just the physical spaces but the memories, the shared laughter, and the sense of belonging that they harbor. Your home is not just an asset, but a testament to your journey, and it has been a privilege to be a part of it.

If you find yourself pondering real estate matters amidst the turkey and pumpkin pie, remember I’m just a call or email away. No question is too trivial, no concern too small. It’s always a pleasure to assist you.

Thank you for being a valued part of my business and for allowing me to serve your real estate needs. Here’s wishing you a Thanksgiving filled with abundance, brightness, and treasured moments in the comfort of your home.

Best regards,

Your Name

My personal number: (___)___-____

My personal email: ________

How to write effective handwritten notes as a real estate agent

If the templates above didn’t satisfy your need for a handwritten note template, it’s worth discussing best practices when writing handwritten notes to real estate clients.

Writing a handwritten card to reach out to potential clients can be especially advantageous as it helps you stand out from the competition. However, in order to make these notes truly effective, it’s worth taking some time to ensure they are well-written and meaningful.

Make sure that you only explain a few reasons why you’re reaching out, and always include something directly related to the recipient, such as their interests, hometown, or particular goals they have mentioned during conversations. Not only will this demonstrate your attention to detail, but your handwritten notes will also show them that their trust in you is relatively safe.

It’s also crucial to emphasize that making a sale is not the only reason you are reaching out to contact them; developing a strong community presence makes a big difference as a realtor, helping establish you as a trustworthy authority while simultaneously helping you to spend less money.

Tips for crafting the perfect handwritten real estate note

With today’s digital age of emails and online communication, sending a handwritten note as a real estate marketer has become a lost art. But, when created properly, handwritten letters can immediately set you apart from your competition.

To make sure your note stands out, start by thanking the customer for their time, regardless of whether they are a recurring client or just a potential lead. This lets them know right away that you value their business – this is the start of basic relationship marketing.

Secondly, mention why your expertise could be invaluable to the potential client in their (potential) purchase: for example, if you’re a native to the area you work as a realtor in, directly noting this can lead to customers seeing you as a strong authority in that region.

Finally, send your corresponding cards or notes by postal mail to ensure they have tangible access to your services, and make sure to include an updated business card.

Crafting the perfect, handwritten thank you note can be time-consuming, but if done properly, it can truly resonate with clients and remind them that you care about their needs over anything else!

What not to include in your handwritten note

Although handwritten cards can be strong forms of personal marketing, it’s important that you understand the boundaries of your profession and understand what is and isn’t appropriate.

First off, avoid using them to overly advertise yourself or your business – any message should be crafted carefully without making yourself appear too pushy. While this may seem counterintuitive, the goal with a handwritten note is not necessarily to get an immediate conversion or new client.

In an ideal world, that would happen; but too many gimmicky-sounding lines in a handwritten note can just push potential real estate leads away. On the other hand, a personable, friendly-sounding letter can help spread your realty brand without making you sound like you really just care about making more sales.

Finally, your correspondence should not include any offer language, as this could be seen as a legally binding offer, and there are certain rules that must be followed before making an offer official. By avoiding the pitfalls mentioned here, you can write a proper card for effective marketing without getting yourself into any form of legal trouble.

Creative ideas on using handwritten notes as a real estate agent

As we’ve already established, handwritten notes can be an effective and inexpensive way to reach out to current and prospective clients. But if you aren’t using any of the above templates or want to stand out from your competition in even more unique ways, what are your options?

Use them for a variety of occasions

You could use personalized cards or thank you letters for any occasion, such as closing a deal or welcoming someone to the team.

Or, you can personally introduce yourself to potential buyers by writing them a welcome letter and sending it with a small housewarming gift.

Here at Handwrytten, we have the ability to include mail inserts within our automated handwritten letters to make this even easier; this is an excellent way to create an impression with potential clients and create solid relationships going forward into the future.

Personalize with relevant quotes or local interests

Think outside the box by writing inspiring quotes or phrases that apply to their situation or featuring local attractions or activities.

Add a unique, personal touch with design variations

mandalas, colorful, abstract

Add some flair to the note with stickers or decorations that match your brand identity. One thing that many real estate agents wouldn’t consider is adding a picture of themselves on the inside of their card; by tying a heartfelt message to a picture of yourself, you can make sure to leave a long-standing impression on your customers and increase the likelihood for a successful sale.

Write thank you notes for referring clients or following up after viewings

If you send handwritten notes as thank-you cards for referring clients and following up after viewings, you can leave clients feeling appreciated, thus increasing customer satisfaction levels.

Take advantage of the holiday season

Holiday cards are another great idea, as they will remind them of your services all year round.

Using Handwrytten’s AI assist tool for more great note examples

If none of the above examples match your intent or tone, not to worry!

Handwrytten now has an AI Assistant that can write your notes for you! The AI Assistant can take your general ideas and turn them into full, well-crafted notes in just a few seconds. The feature is totally free to use when creating a custom card.

This is incredibly useful in the event that one of the above templates did not hit the mark; simply go to our AI assist tool and have it generate the (almost) perfect message for your needs.

How Handwrytten Can Help Realtors

If you’ve made it this far, thank you for taking the time to read our article. We are passionate about helping you provide a fantastic customer experience and sharing the knowledge that we have to help other real estate professionals become better, so let’s talk about what your next steps should be moving forward.

Using Handwrytten’s powerful prospecting tool, agents can search an area (a zip code, a city, or even draw a polygon on a map) and filter by the property, owner income, time in the home, and more. Real estate professionals can then send direct mail to everyone who matches the criteria. This is great if you are selling a home in a specific area and want to reach out to other people within that locality while spending less time doing research.

You can also send a handwritten card easily to all buyers or sellers after the transaction, thanking your excited new clients for their purchase. Along with these notes, product inserts and even gift cards can automatically be included to increase mail open rate and client retention.

Even further, it’s easy to stay in contact and at the forefront of clients’ minds by sending personalized, pen-written birthday best wishes and even ‘happy holidays’ cards. This will leave a statement that very few real estate marketers can.

For resources specific to real estate agents, visit our Handwritten Real Overview page to garner an understanding of what we can holistically provide for you through our services, or check out our post on some of our real estate marketing tips to get you started for free.

Check out our services or other pieces of content, like writing a great closing for your card to help lock in more leads.

Frequently Asked Questions About Handwritten Notes for Real Estate Agents

Do handwritten letters work in real estate?

Yes, handwritten letters are highly effective in the real estate industry.

In an increasingly digital world, the personal touch of a handwritten note can help you stand out among competitors. It shows your clients that you’re willing to take the extra time and effort to personally reach out to them, which can help build and strengthen relationships.

You can use handwritten notes as a real estate agent for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Thanking clients
  • Following up after viewings
  • Maintaining contact during the holiday season
  • Sending birthday cards, anniversary cards and “I’m thinking of you” cards to continually nurture the client relationship

What is a handwritten note to a real estate prospect?

A handwritten note to a real estate prospect is a personalized message directed toward potential clients or buyers in the real estate market. It’s usually penned with the intent to express gratitude, provide information, or establish a connection.

These notes can be an effective marketing tool, as they can make prospects feel valued on a personal level. Moreover, they can illustrate a real estate agent’s dedication, professionalism, and willingness to go the extra mile.

What do you write in a real estate note card?

A real estate note card typically contains a personalized message that serves to establish or maintain a positive relationship with the recipient. The content can vary based on the situation and intent of the correspondence.

For instance, after a property viewing, you might express gratitude for the client’s time and interest or provide additional information about the property. If the note is a follow-up to a completed transaction, you may thank the client for their business and extend an offer for future assistance. During the holiday season, a simple warm wish or season’s greetings can help maintain the relationship.

The ultimate goal when sending a handwritten note to a real estate client is to make the recipient feel valued and remembered, helping you stand out from your competitors.

Choose from our cards design or your own.

Over 100 designs to choose from or design your own. Our online card customizer makes it simple.

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